Camp Wicosuta

Camp counselor

June - August 2021 • Hebron, NH

What I liked

The camp’s location is beautiful. Many of the counselor are vary nice too, but this changes from year to year as they have a high turnover rate for their consoler positions.

What I wish was different

The pay was not enough for what was expected of you at camp. More breaks where needed on a normal day you only got one hour off and you are working form 8am (at the latest) to 12 pm. Yes sometimes you get a break at 10pm too but this is after you are extremely tired and just need sleep. Additionally Among some of the higher up staff members there was unwillingness to change racist traditions of the camp even when it was brought to their attention.


If you want to work at a summer camp make sure you pick one that pays you more then it costs to go to camp there. Also ask how many of their staff return each year this is a good indicator of how they treat their staff. Summer camp is a lot of work and it usually doesn’t pay well, but if it’s a good camp they should make up for it by treating their staff well.
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Kinesiology Intern

June - August 2024 • Hebron, NH

What I liked

I loved so much!!! Working as an intern at a summer camp is the best way to have a fun summer doing what you know and love while learning so much beyond your area of expertise. I developed skills in dance and fitness instruction, choreography, and lesson planning, but also life skills such as prioritizing wellbeing, leading others through instruction and demonstration, time management, forming and nurturing interpersonal relationships, and so much more. Camp Wicosuta has incredible community spirit, amazing facilities, a well-organized time off schedule, and so much heart that I don't think other camps would compare.

What I wish was different

We had a month-long heat wave, so I would have loved air conditioning in the lounge/dining hall and more ice available. It also would have been better to have a supervisor with more expertise and credibility in the fitness and dance fields so I could learn from someone with more to give.


If you want to spend a summer working but still having a great time and gaining new and exciting experiences and skills, this is the job! Bring a fan, mattress topper, and crazy creek chair and you'll be good to go!!
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Photography/Social Media Intern

June - August 2024 • Hebron, NH

What I liked

I enjoyed getting to be able to work with such an amazing team, that being from the media team directly to the full time team. I also enjoyed being able to get to see every bit of camp life and be apart of some amazing memories. I got enhance my media skills while being there, and even gained some skills that I did not have before.

What I wish was different

The only thing I would change is spending a little more time with the kids, but overall the whole experience was amazing.


A piece of advice I have is just to have fun and take care of yourself. The job may seem daunting at some points but it really was one of the most fulfilling jobs I've had. So just being in the moment and enjoying it. I also will say that communicating is key, if you are having a hard time there are people in your corner that you can talk to that will help you.
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Activity/Bunk Counselor

June - August 2023 • Hebron, NH

What I liked

The connections I made both with staff and the campers. The skills and memories I gained from these connections are something that I will carry and use for the rest of my life and I don't think I could have experienced them anywhere else.

What I wish was different

I was a bit more open to trying/experiencing new things, there were so much for us to do that I wish I had participated in more


The work may be hard and overwhelming at times, but if you make the right connections with the campers and staff, they give you the right energy you need to get you through your day and if you focus more on what went right rather than what went wrong, then your whole attitude for the day tends to change.
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Camp Counselor

June - August 2021 • Hebron, NH

What I liked

It was a super fun job. I loved spending a lot of time outdoors and on the lake. There were some really great kids and the staff was incredible to work with.

What I wish was different

It definitely didn’t pay enough for the amount of work and time spent working. We hardly got any time off. It cost me quite a bit to drive out there and fly back. The travel stipend offered wasn’t enough. There were also some really annoying kids but that’s part of the job.


I’m overall glad I did it but if I were doing it all over again I’d try to negotiate a higher salary and look at other camps around the country as well
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Camp Counselor

June - July 2022 • Hebron, NH

What I liked

What I wish was different


If you have the chance, work at a camp- it will be the most rewarding job of your life!! There is something for everyone, from teaching archery or pottery to working on the waterfront or climbing wall. I was lucky enough to work on the waterfront so I was able to be on the beautiful lake every day and teach the girls how to wakeboard and waterski. Living in the bunk and serving as a mentor to these girls at an impressionable age made me feel like I was able to actually have an impact on their life. The staff are all like-minded so everyone gets along well, plus living in the New Hampshire weather for the summer is the absolute best. I cannot recommend working at Camp Wicosuta enough!!
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Camp Counselor

June - August 2021 • Hebron, NH

What I liked

They were extremely welcoming to me and were very flexible with the hours I worked throughout the day. Getting to know the kids, both in my bunks and in my activity areas, was extremely rewarding. I fully intend on returning next summer!

What I wish was different

Because of COVID, camp had to be run a little bit differently than in normal years. However, this was for the safety of the campers and staff.


Its a marathon...NOT a sprint! However, I would highly recommend this job to anyone who is interested!!
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Camp Counselor

June - August 2021 • Hebron, NH

What I liked

It was very fun at times. There were a lot of great people. It’s in a beautiful location. I gained a lot of skills

What I wish was different

I was not paid enough. They were understaffed. There was an uproar of employees saying they weren’t being treated fairly. It was a bit of a mess.


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Accounting Intern

June - August 2019 • Hebron, NH

What I liked

I loved being in an outdoorsy environment and getting to know people from all over the world. I was also the only accounting intern at my campsite which was a unique experience, they place a lot of trust and responsibility on you. This was definitely a good resume-building internship.

What I wish was different

Working during the busy season, the people around you are running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to get things done, and things can fall through the cracks. Communication wasn't always clear or strong.


This internship is intense. We were only given one day off a week, and it can be hard to separate work and "home life" sometimes because you live on site. But when you do have time off you get to do really cool things and have the opportunity to go really cool places! Participate in all camp has to offer, and you'll do great.
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Cabin Counselor and Waterfront Instructor

June - August 2019 • Hebron, NH

What I liked

The parts that I enjoyed about my summer job at Camp Wicosuta were the outdoors and the children. Camp Wicosuta is an all girls camp and I was a Cabin Counselor for ten to eleven year olds. I also enjoyed working as a Waterfront Instructor on Newfound Lake where I taught children how to perform watersports and lake activities such as kayaking, canoeing, sailing, paddle boarding, and bellyacking. Also, I was a lifeguard whenever these activities were performed. Overall, I enjoyed the nature and outdoors, the activities the camp provided for the children such as field trip days, evening activities, and special event days. I really enjoyed working with the Waterfront Crew and my Eagle counselors as well. Overall, I had a great time at the camp!

What I wish was different

The one part of Camp Wicosuta that I wish was different was the amount of breaks the staff would get. It is completely understandable that when working two jobs that there will not be a lot of down time for myself but more breaks were needed because both jobs at times were overwhelming. Also, I wish there were more days off for staff members because staff members are only given five days off for the entire summer and sometimes I needed more down time.


One piece of advice I would share about this experience is that you must have a strong work ethic and love for children to do well at this job. Everyone is interacting with children 24/7 and we all had to work long hours everyday. I would come into the job with an open mind because it was an awesome experience but also be prepared to work and have fun with children.
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Camp Counselor

June - August 2019 • Hebron, NH

What I liked

I really liked the environment, the people I worked with, and getting to interact with the kids was really awesome.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been more prepared for how tired I was going to be.


Don't stress about the little things because they won't end up mattering as much as you think they will.
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Camp Counselor

June - August 2018 • Hebron, NH

What I liked

I loved forming connections with my campers. There were some really amazing and inspiring young girls that became like my little sisters. In addition the other counselors I worked with were also incredible and probably some of the best friends I've made.

What I wish was different


Go to bed. The days are long and every ounce of energy you can conjure up will be needed to go in to you day. While it's tempting to stay up late when you get breaks at night, I recommend going to bed as soon as you can. Every bit of sleep will help you during the day.
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Camp Counselor

June - August 2018 • Hebron, NH

What I liked

I loved being able to work in a field that interested me as well as work with children.

What I wish was different

I wish that there had been a better on duty rotation schedule


You must always take time for yourself! The job is very demanding and you will always be working.
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