BKF Engineers

Engineering Assistant

May - August 2022 • Walnut Creek, CA

What I liked

Expertise of employees Trust, guidance, and mentorship from managers to entry level staff Office amenities, benefits, and culture They will work you hard but the experience and skills you get will be incredible, whether you go back to work for them or take your talents elsewhere If you prove yourself they will give you responsibilities and tasks designated for their full-time employees, even if you're only an intern.

What I wish was different

I prefer working in person and they do not have great control over their employee's WFH preferences, but once it was established I was coming into the office every day there was always at least 1 member of my team in the office to help me out. I appreciated that a lot.


They're a serious company. If you get a chance to work with them, work your butt off. Don't WFH, always ask for more responsibility/tasks, and always be asking questions. If you're worried about screwing up tasks or taking too long don't worry, they will never give you something that would lead to critical failure if you mess up; better to take on harder tasks and have a chance to prove yourself instead of coasting by. Highly recommend for those willing to push themselves and looking for a chance to rise up.
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Engineering Assistant

May - August 2019 • Pleasanton, CA

What I liked

AutoCAD experience, management, coworkers

What I wish was different


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Civil Engineering Intern

July - September 2018 • Newport Beach, CA

What I liked

The social environment was very friendly and inviting.

What I wish was different



Get to know your co-workers and really try to immerse yourself in the professional environment!
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